A Pilgrimage to Our Lady
Mass at the Grotto
Two Basilicas
The Upper Basilica of the Immaculate Conception
The stained glass window of Immaculate Conception
The stained glass window of St. Bernadette at the Grotto
The Underground Basilica of St Pius X
(Above green area is the roof of the Basilica)
Both ends of the Basilica
The Crucifix with Mary and John in steel strip
The International Mass on Sunday
Mass starts with the procession of the banners of each pilgrimage
Priests assemble for Mass
Mass is said by 6 bishops and 200 priests
Procession of the Blessed Sacrament before the Blessing of the Sick

The Stonyhurst contingent gathers for the Procession

The Torchlight Procession

Assembling for the Mass of the Anointing of the Sick

The Mass prepared by the children of our pilgrimage
The River Gave in front of the Grotto

A bath for the bathing of the sick

Drinking the waters

Collecting the waters

The Stonyhurst Pilgrimage
Taken after the Stonyhurst Mass at the Chapel of St. Fria

John and Paul
Good friends, old friends, Old Stonyhurst boys

A great Hartley family at Lourdes