KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas February 2000 |
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Our Council lost one of its charter members when God called Jodie Stavinoha to his eternal reward.
Jodie was a former Fort Bend County Judge and area leader. He was also an active member of our Council.
In the early years of the Council, Columbus Day was celebrated with a fish fry at the St. John Fischer Community Center. Jodie was always the one who fried the catfish. Jodie was there when we had pancake suppers, tending the griddle, and he could make a pretty good pot of stew before meetings.
Jodie was instrumental in renovating the Bassett house so that it could be used as a group home for mentally handicapped young men. He recruited the KC’s as well as other organizations for help. The house had been vacant for some time and needed a lot of work and Jodie was there working right along side the rest of the people. The Council became so involved under his leadership that the project was written up and submitted to State Council, won the State Council award and went on to win Supreme Council award in 1984.
Jodie was an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist at Sacred Heart. He was also a Lector. He always led the rosary before the early mass and was the person who was responsible for the fellowship after the mass. He believed strongly that the community should not only come together in prayer and worship, but in fellowship, and Jodie provided that with donuts, toast, coffee and orange juice every Sunday morning. That tradition continues to this day. When he could no longer continue the ministry, others took over for him and if you go to the new Family Life Center you will see a sign above the serving window in the kitchen that says: "Jodie’s Coffee Shop"
Jodie had an impact on people in many ways. John Healy relates in 1982 when he was an assistant District Attorney, he was working one Sunday in the old courthouse. He went outside to take a break and saw a man he knew to be the County Judge working over a Bar B Que pit on the corner of 4th Street and Liberty. He was sweaty, greasy, with old clothes on and a smile on his face. John states: " Anybody who could be so humble and unassuming and willing to pitch in in such a menial fashion all the while have such an important position as County Judge was the embodiment of the true public servant." Just one of the instants that showed the true character of Jodie Stavinoha.
May he rest in peace
Dear Brothers and families of Council 7445,
God called another of our very special brother knights and Sacred Heart parishioner, Jodie Stavinoha, home January 26, 2000. He will be greatly missed by all of Fort Bend County.
I'd like to challenge all of you to ask Fr. Howard, Deacon Don, or Deacon Brick what you could do to help make the parish a better, more friendly community.
Thanks to all of you who helped make the Super Bowl BBQ a great success. Unlike the Tennessee Titans (Oilers), we sold out crossing the goal line. We didn't get stopped at the 1 yard line, but sold out of everything. We even got an extra 50 links of sausage we hurriedly prepared before 11:15am Mass was over.
Don't forget to pray for all of the First Communicants and don't forget--today is a gift....that's why it's called "the present."
Live life to the fullest!
Please call me, Michael Cutbirth, at 281-343-1417
to reserve your spot for the February 27 Major Degree at the Knights of
Columbus Hall in Rosenberg. Remember you are considered a full knight only
after receiving the honors of the 3rd degree. It is definitely an
honor as well as a very moving, a very unforgettable ceremony. I
took my 2nd and 3rd degree at the Rosenberg
KC hall over 18 years ago and still remember
most of it very clearly. So give me a call.
February | ||
Saturday, 5
Tuesday, 8 Friday, 11 Sunday, 13 Tuesday, 15 Sunday, 27 |
Ladies’ Night
Regular Meeting Fourth and Fifth Grade Retreat "C" Team BBQ Officers’ and Directors’ Meeting Major Degree in Rosenberg |
March | ||
Saturday, 4
Sunday, 12 Tuesday, 14 Tuesday, 21 |
Men’s Retreat
Volleyball with Life Teen Regular Meeting Officers’ and Directors’ Meeting |
Mark Stryk reminded us about Corporate Communion on January 30, 2000, Super Bowl Sunday.
Ray Hollis, 4th Degree, gave an informational
talk about the 4th Degree. What it is about. Some history and
how it is organized. He also explained the different items that the
4th Degree wears at different functions. He invited all 3rd Degree
Knights to consider joining the 4th Degree.
If you are interested in joining the 4th Degree,
Please call Mike Cutbirth.
FEB 5, 2000 LADIES NIGHT, Mark Stryk, Chairman, reviewed planning to date. John Healy, headwaiter, needs about 10 good men who would like to try the waiter’s job. If you want to help with the decorating, waiting on tables, or cooking, contact Mark Stryk.
Steve Nestlerode thanked all those Knights who helped make the Christmas Party a success. The turnout was great.
Paul Metcalf, chairman for the Project First Communicant, stated that he needed 100 Knights to sponsor first communicant. Basically, we want to let the children know that we are praying for them as they prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
Basketball Free Throw January 23, 2000, 12:30-2:30 p.m. John Gillespie wants 10-14year olds to compete.
Junior High Lock-In is planned for February 4, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. There is a need for a couple of Knights to fix a light meal at that time.
Fourth and fifth grade Retreat will be held on February 11, 2000 7-11 p.m. Greg Waleke needs 4 more volunteers
Men’s Retreat March 4, 2000, Golf on Friday in Bay City, Rio Colorado Country Club. Call Tony Trevino for more details.
Tovar Bar B Que was put on hold pending more information regarding the details. See details in this newsletter.
Glen Nohavitza explained the Fund Drive 2000 that will take place soon in our parish.
Insurance Agent Lynn Hanley mentioned that K of C has a new product "Long Term Care Policy". Anyone interested should contact him at (800) 460-2706.
District Deputy stated that the State Charity Goal for the Council is $1510. He showed a JESUS 2000 BOOK for $40 of which $15 would go toward the State Charity goal. He presented the Fr. McGivney & Columbian Award 98-99. He gave us a goal to be a Star Council by utilizing Membership, Service and Insurance Program. Major 2nd and 3rd Degree February 27,2000 in Rosenberg.
Hugh Burton recalled much of the events
that Brother Dennis Barrett did for the council and the parish.
Various Knights expressed their remembrances.
"Say It With Roses" Campaign
Thanks to all who participated in the "Say It
With Roses" Campaign. Our Council furnished the red rose that was
brought to the altar on Sunday, January 23, 2000 to acknowledge the 27th
Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade that legalized abortion during all nine months
of pregnancy. A special thanks to Mike Spiech, Ray Ireland, Mark
Chapman and Mike Cutbirth for bringing the rose to the altar.
Paul Metcalf continues to lead the adopt
a 1st Communicant (Spiritual Support) activity and with his team has paired
90+ children with a sponsoring Knight. As the children’s preparation continues,
the sponsoring Knights will be asked to send cards to their adoptee at
their February retreat, at Easter, and of course at their First Communion.
A heartfelt thanks you to all Knights who responded positively to this
most worthwhile activity.
Thanks to John Gillespie for again leading a very successful free-throw contest on January 23, 2000. The Council winners will progress to District competition. Helping John were Rick Bilski, Mark Chapman, John Healey, Mike Spiech and Greg Waleke.
By the time you read this information, the lock-in for Junior High should have taken place on Friday Night/Saturday Morning, February 4 and 5. Jim Mensay led this daunting activity (about 100 youth had signed up to attend) and was assisted by Mike Cutbirth, Frank Knesek, Mike Spiech, and Tony Trevino.
Upcoming events:
1. Fourth and Fifth Grade Retreat (Assist as
Needed) - Friday night, February 11 from 7 p.m.to11 p.m. Greg Waleke
is leading this activity and could use a few additional brothers to help.
2. Volleyball with Life Teen - Sunday, March
12, 2000 at Sacred Heart. We need someone to coordinate this with Tony
Langerud – Call Mike Spiech (281) 937-0257.
3. Workday for the Elderly (Assist Elementary
Children in Project) - tentative April 22, 2000. Hugh Burton and
Mike Cutbirth have volunteered to help in this activity. Need
a volunteer to work out details with Hugh and Virginia Ewald - Call
Mike Spiech (281) 937-0257.
Mike Spiech is trying to arrange a double-elimination
basketball tournament that would involve 3 person teams, made up of one
Knight and two parish youth (probably middle school age). The activity
will most likely be on a Sunday afternoon. So far, Rick Bilski, Mike
Cutbirth, Roland Garza, John Gillespie, Glen Nohavitza, Tom Petrosewicz,
Tony Trevino, and Mike Spiech have volunteered which would give
us 8 teams. Any one else interested should call Mike Spiech
(281) 937-0257
Brother Huey and Elaine Burton
Brother John and Leanne James Brother Paul and Sara Metcalf |
Brother Mark and Tracy Chapman
Brother John and Barbara Lipinski |
Brother John Boyles
Brother Joe Grillo Brother Harvey Horelica Brother John James Christa (Brother Tyler) Murrile Brother Andrew Murrile Christina (Brother Philip) Pieknik Kathy (Brother Robert) Reineke Jennette (Brother Don) Ries Brother Lawrence Stryk Brother Tony Trevino |
Brother Alvin Brazda
Brother Donald Hoeveler Jeanne (Brother Lawerence) Horrigan Brother Darrell Michell Brother Donald Murrile Cecilia (Brother Ray) Pargac Brother Robin Reiland Brother Travis Richter Brother Michael Spiech Brother Jay Thorseth |
Dennis Barrett
Jodie Stavinoha Johnnie Sullivan Ed Tusa |
Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for: | Membership Lists, Telephone Lists,
Other Brothers’ addresses and phone numbers, Changes of your address, phone numbers - home and work, employment, children, sports, and corrections for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. |
Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553) | for your name tags |
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the meeting date.
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
The Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of
Council 7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor, P.O.
Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.
Editor’s Notes No. 2:
I saw this in the newsletter for Faith School
for Young Children, Faith School Scroll. I share it because it is
very thought provoking.
The Paradox of Our Time
By George Carlin
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways but narrower viewpoints. We spend more but have less. We buy more but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge but less judgement; more experts but more problems, more medicine but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to our life, not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We’ve conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things but not better things. We’ve cleaned up the air but polluted the soul. We’ve split the atom but not our prejudices. We write more but learn less. We plan more but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but have less communication. These are times of fast foods and slow digestion, tall men and short character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace but domestic warfare, more leisure but less fun, more kinds of food but less nutrition. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, of fancier houses but broken homes. These are the days of quick trips; disposable diapers; throw away morality; one-night stands; overweight bodies; and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet to kill.
How did we get here, in less than 100 years? With the invention of machines that run on fossil fuels, we all bought the lie that if something can be done faster, then it is better and should be done that way. It’s time to tell the truth: sometimes slower is better.
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