KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas March 2000 |
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The governor said to them in reply, "Which of the two do you want me to release to you?" They answered, "Barabbas!" Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Jesus called Messiah?" They all said, "Let him be crucified!" Matthew 27:21-22
Dear Brothers,
Can you believe Lent is already here? What
are you going to do to make this year's time of prayer and reflection of
God's love for us special for you and your family? Here are a couple
of suggestions to consider:
(1) For starters, attend the Stations of the
Cross on Fridays and
(2) carry a pocket notebook to Mass with you
on Sundays and record the high points and your thoughts on the homily to
share with your family and to reflect on personally.
Attention ALL GOLFERS: Mark Monday, June 26 on your calendars. The 1st Annual Life Teen Charity Golf Tournament will be held at Pecan Grove Country Club. And speaking of Life Teen, we approved a $300 donation to help with funding their Summer Retreat to Alexandria, Louisiana for a youth gathering, Steubenville South. Also March 26 at 2PM will be another round of KC versus Life Teen volleyball at the Family Life Center. Come out and support our future leaders.
Congratulations to our new 3rd Degree members: Ray Ireland, Bob Pellerin, Jim Mensay, and Elliott Jones. They achieved full Knighthood Sunday, February 27, 2000 in Rosenberg.
We will be electing a new slate of officers soon and we'd like some fresh, new faces to get involved. I will finish my 2nd year as Grand Knight on June 30 and will not be running for re-election, but will remain very active in the Council.
See you Friday for Stations!!!
Live life to the fullest,
March | ||
Sunday, 12
Tuesday, 14 Tuesday, 21 Sunday, 26 |
BBQ, C Team
Regular Meeting Officers’ and Directors’ Meeting Volleyball with Life Teens |
April | ||
Sunday, 9
Tuesday, 11 Tuesday, 18 Saturday, 22 |
BBQ, A Team
Regular Meeting Officers’ and Directors’ Meeting Work for Elderly (Tentative) |
May | ||
TBD | Men's Retreat |
February 8, 2000, 7:48 p.m.
Mike Cutbirth, Grand Knight, called the
meeting to order at 7:48 PM.
The minutes were approved as read.
District Free -Throw contest was held on February
19, 2000.
At Ladies Night we had 29 ladies present and
all had a good time. Next year we ought to look at providing babysitting
for the ladies with children.
We were represented at Clergy Night by two deacons.
The State Deputy’s wife had a stroke and is in
the hospital.
The Treasurer reported that the BBQ grossed about
$2220 with a profit of $1,000.
Mark Stryk reported on the planning and
execution of Ladies’ Night.
Mark Chapman reported that we had a low
attendance at the Corporate Communion. He also reported that food donation
for the poor is up.
Steve Nestlerode thanked Ray Ireland
for his help in organizing the Charity for the Christmas Party.
Mike Spiech said that there was a low
participation in this year’s free-throw contest.
The Youth Lock-in had 100+ teens. There is a
volleyball game with the life teens and Knights of Columbus scheduled for
March 26, 2000. In addition he is looking into a basketball game
with the Life Teen group.
Paul Metcalf reported on the First Communicant
Program. We are sponsoring over 100 children. The next letter is
due at Easter Sunday.
Unfinished Business
1) Bar B Q Pit: A motion was made and passed
to purchase the mobile pit for $1800. It will be parked at Gerald Migle’s
2) There was a motion to give the Life Teen Group
$200 from the BBQ Super Bowl. It was seconded and passed.
3) Another motion was made to up the amount to
$500 by Paul Metcalf. After much discussion both pro and con the
amount was adjusted to $300; with the understanding that the Life Teen
group would help us with the Father’s Day BBQ. A discussion was held on
the amount of participation at this function. Further discussions
were held on the purpose of the donation to Life Teen.
4) District Deputy, John Pistone talked
about the $1510 State Charity Goal which in part benefits the Diocese.
Also a major degree will be held in Rosenberg.
5) Sick Brother Knights -- Tony Novak
is being operated on for cancer. He had just moved out of state.
6) Mike Cutbirth pointed out that our
deceased Brother Knight Jodie Stavinoha helped the community with
his work on the Bassett House, BBQ, and other community events.
7) Meeting ended at 8:48p.m.
We want to thank all those Knights that participated
in helping with the events that have been scheduled. They have gladly
given their time and efforts to making them a success. What we need
are more volunteers to make them a lot easier to put on. Actually,
it really doesn’t take a lot of time to do the events if we all pitch in.
We really need the help with the Sunday BBQ. We have cooking teams
but need sellers at each of the masses on Sunday morning. These teams
usually BBQ three times a year.
Thanks for all your help and dedication. We need each one of you.
Rick Bilski, John Healey, Leroy
Vacek and Paul Metcalf would like to thank you all for your
prayers for our children who will make their First Communion in May.
At their retreat on Sunday, February 20, over one hundred children received
cards expressing your prayers and best wishes.
This was greatly appreciated and very meaningful.
As this exercise took several weeks to accomplish, we will need to prepare
for a meaningful Easter for the children well before Easter. We four,
and anyone else, who would like to help, will contact you before then.
In the meantime, please keep praying for your child, every day. Why
not offer up something special for your child during Lent. If you
would like to help with the calling, please phone Paul Metcalf,
(281) 342-9096.
Thank you to Paul Metcalf and his team
as they continue to lead the adopt a First Communicant (Spiritual Support)
activity. 100 children have a sponsoring Knight praying for them as they
continue to prepare for their May First Communion.
The lock-in for Junior High took place on Friday Night/Saturday Morning, February 4 and 5, 2000. Jim Mensay led this daunting activity (100 attendees) and was assisted by Mike Cutbirth, Frank Knesek, Mike Spiech, and Tony Trevino.
The fourth/fifth grade fun night occurred on Friday night, February 11, 2000 from 7 PM to 11 PM. Thanks to Greg Waleke (leader) and his helpers including Allen Ewald, Roland Garza, Gerald Migl, Glen Nohavitza and Mike Spiech.
Upcoming events:
1. Volleyball with Life Teen - Sunday, March
26 at Sacred Heart Family Center. Note this is a change in dates from March
12. So far we have only 5 Knights who have volunteered to play including
Garza, Frank Knesek, Steve Nestlerode, Greg Waleke
and Mike Spiech.
2. Workday for the Elderly (Assist Elementary
Children in Project) - tentative April 22. Hugh Burton and Mike
Cutbirth have volunteered to help in this activity. I need a volunteer
to work out details with Hugh and Virginia Ewald. Call Mike
Spiech (281) 937-0257.
Mike is waiting on word whether there are teens
interested in the proposed double-elimination basketball tournament that
would involve 3 person teams, made up of one Knight and two parish youth
(probably middle school age). The activity will most likely be on a Sunday
afternoon. So far, Rick Bilski, Mike Cutbirth, Roland
Garza, John Gillespie, John James, Glen Nohavitza,
Petrosewicz, Tony Trevino, and Mike Spiech have volunteered
which would give us 9 teams. Any one else interested should call Mike at
(281) 937-0257
Brother Frank and Bertha Norris
Brother John and Patti Michalek Brother Thomas and Susan Phalen Brother Leonard |
Brother Dennis and Melba Meek
Brother Thomas and Carol Pawelek Brother Gene and Clara Theobald Lois Wetzel |
Brother Michael Biesiada
Brother Michael Bubash Danette (Brother Vince) Fennesy Bobbie (Brother Tim) Hajovsky Brother Werner Klesel Jane (Brother Charles) Mertz Linda (Brother Carl) Meyers Brother Michael Scappa Clara (Brother Gene) Theobald |
Brother Michael Bishop
Virginia (Brother Allen) Ewald Brother Daniel Gerken Michele (Brother Russell) Hollek Brother Michael McConnell Brother Paul Metcalf Brother Fred and Cathey Olenick Brother Robert and Evelyn Sifford Brother Leroy Vacek |
Dennis Barrett
Jodie Stavinoha
Johnnie Sullivan
Ed Tusa
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to
be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed
before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the
meeting date.
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
The Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of Council
7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor, P.O.
Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.
* Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for:
Membership Lists, Telephone Lists,
Other Brothers’ addresses and phone numbers,
Changes of your address, phone numbers - home
and work, employment, children, sports, and corrections for birthdays,
anniversaries, etc.
* Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553) for your
name tags
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