Sacred Heart Parish  Richmond, Texas  OCTOBER 2000 
Volume 6 Edition 2

Moses Baladez, Joe E. Bezdek Andrew M. Murrile Ed Tusa  Jeff  E Wood
Dennis Barrett Frank Hudek Z E "Zeek" Nowak Mark Valachovic
Lou Bartie Louis Jankowski Jodie Stavinoha Edgar Wanjura
Ben Belisch Louis W. Lipinski Johnny U Sullivan Arthur C. Wendel

Dear Brother Knights,

October will be a very busy month.  So have your calendar (day timer) in hand while reading this letter.

First item, thanks for a great turnout at our last meeting.

 Second item, October 10, at 7:00 p.m. is an Open Meeting for families and prospective members and their families.  Why not bring your family to meet their families?  Or invite a prospective member and family to join us or invite a knight who has not been to a meeting lately to join us as we celebrate Columbus Day!  We will have a fried fish dinner with trimmings.  Ladies are asked to bring a dessert.  Also it wouldn't hurt to RSVP to me at 979-793-KofC (5632) for a head count.  SEE YOU ALL AT THE MEETING!

 Third item, Sacred Heart Church Bazaar and turkey dinner is Sunday, October 15th, #7445 KC's are in charge of Set Up at 6:00 a.m. and Shut Down plus any other thing we have signed up to do.  See you there, too.

 Fourth item, and most important, Knights of Columbus Bishop Claude DuBuis Council #7445 will have a Memorial Mass and Corporate Communion on October 29th, at Sacred Heart Church at 9:30 a.m. Mass.
This Mass is to remember our deceased members and honor their widows and family members.  Please make a special effort to attend this special mass.

 Last item.  The Knights of Columbus of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston will be hosting the 97th Texas State KC Convention in Houston on May 18, 19, & 20, 2001.  Please consider volunteering for one or more of the meeting activities!  NOTE:  State planning meetings will be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from now until convention, consequently,

our regular (officer's) meeting will be the 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

and our regular business meetings on the 2nd Tuesdays with the meal at 7:00 p.m. and meeting at 7:30 p.m. sharp.

  Our Council Bishop Claude DuBuis #7445 of Sacred Heart Church in Richmond, Texas has earned the
1999-2000 Columbian Founders Award!

The Columbian Award was presented to our immediate Past Grand Knight Mike Cutbirth for excellence in the sponsorship of programs that serve families, Church, youth, and community as well as council members.
Thank you to Mike Cutbirth, PGK for his leadership!
Are we having fun, yet?  YES!  Your Brother in Christ,
Dan Polczynski
Grand Knight
Two knights transferred into our council! Welcome Brother Gary Gillen!
Welcome Brother Mike Vaske!

Ask a Friend and his family
to join us in the K of C
Oct. 10
Fish Fry! + Open meeting INVITE prospective knights & families! Talk about upcoming events 
Bubba Does FISH !
Bring a desert. 
Oct. 15 Turkey Dinner & Bazaar!

Set-up: 6:00am, Teardown after 2:00pm.

Oct. 29 9:30am Corporate Communion + Memorial Mass service.
Fri., Dec. 8

Sat. Dec. 9

Dec. 12

7:30pm Setup for Breakfast with Santa Family Life Center.

9am Breakfast with Santa! (2nd Sat. of December) Family Life Center.
    Oops! Editor made a booboo last issue. Breakfast is not Dec. 2!

 KC Christmas party IDEAS??? (2nd Tue. of December)


October 1st.

October 7th.

October 8th.

October 9th.

October 10th,

October 13, 14, & 16

October 15th
October 15th

October 16th

October 21st

October 22nd

October 24th

October 29th

Life Chain

Pope's Rosary

BBQ after masses, team C

Columbus Day observed

Regular Business Meeting, open to families

Fourth Degree Exemplification

Sacred Heart Bazaar 
Regular Officer's Meeting

Blood Drive at KC #2801, Monday, 
    Phone:  Matt Redlinger - 281-346-0188
Blood Drive at St. Michael's 
    Saturday,  4-8 pm and
    Sunday, 7:45 am to 2 pm
    Phone:  Dan Polczynski - 979-793-KofC

State Planning Meeting 

Memorial Mass and Corporate Communion, 9:30 mass


One of the big dark secrets of abortion!

The news media and pop culture would have us believe that if a woman has a troubled pregnancy she should have an abortion and all the troubles will disappear.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

Women experiencing abortion aftermath are likely to report: grief, depression, sense of loss, guilt, low self-esteem, suicidal ideation, alcohol or chemical abuse, sexual dysfunction or promiscuity, phobias, nightmares, "baby" dreams, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts concerning the abortion, compulsion to become pregnant again, involvement in abusive relationships, anger, eating disorders, increased anxiety in subsequent pregnancies, episodes of uncontrollable weeping, inability to form intimate relationships, inability to adequately bond with subsequent children;  some experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.*

Men experiencing abortion exhibit rage, a sense of impotence, grief, and will often describe risk behavior, alcohol or drug abuse and sometimes become involved in father’s right issues.*

Siblings will often develop the symptoms of survivors’ syndrome, particularly guilt and abandonment by parents.*

But for all of this pain that can be experienced for many years there is forgiveness through our God.  To help in the healing process is Project Rachel.  Project Rachel is the confidential and compassionate outreach to women (and Men) who have had an abortion or have been involved in an abortion decision.  Its purpose is to foster reconciliation and healing between the parent, and Christ, His Church, the child and all other significant relationships.

As Knights who are in the forefront of the Respect Life cause we need to be aware of the trauma people can experience and where they can obtain help.  For information on Project Rachel call (713) 741-8728.
*  Diocese of Galveston-Houston, Respect Life Office
I would like to thank all the Knights who participated in the Life Chain on
October 1, 2000.  We had an increase in participation from last year and also
Knights from other councils.  It was a very prayerful and peaceful way to
show our support for the unborn.

Ray Ireland (Respect Life Director)
(281) 238-0996

Wedding Anniversaries in October
Brother Glenn A & Cheryl Blaizer:
Brother Thomas J  & Cynthia Cervenka: 
Brother Stephen M & Alma Falcon: 
Brother Russell & Michele Hollek:
Brother Alex J & Esther Joswiak: 
Brother Werner & Pauline Klesel: 
Brother Anthony J & Sandy Novak: 
Brother Robin & Peggy Reiland: 
Brother Wiliam A & Judy Reinecker: 
Brother Tony & Wallie Trevino: 
Brothers and Wives with birthdays in October
Robert J. Bauhs
Eric H. Berlin
Daniel A. Fawvor
Louis W. Fredrickson
Gary J. Graske
Jerrel R. Hartfiel  
Carl E. Myers 
Arthur G. Hausler
Dennis Keyes 
John M. Mangel
Timothy Orsak  
David A. Spence
Jared Strnadel
Oscar Taccogna
Mark J. Towle 
J. David Webster
Patty (Bother Michael) Bishop
Cheryl (Brother Glenn ) Blaizer
Cynthia (Brother Thomas) Cervenka
Lois (Brother Larry) Gremminger
Gloria (Brother Guillermo) Rodriguez
Ellen (Brother Carl D.  Jr.) Rossini
Sharon (Brother David L.) Sheets
Kathy (Brother Michael C.) Spiech
Kelly (Brother Jared ) Strnadel
Linda (Brother Mark J.) Towle
Rita (Brother Bill) Willis

Something you missed if you missed the Sept. 12 regular business meeting

Spiritual Director, Deacon Don Ries encouraged daily prayer & to consult the publications &/or web sites:
"Living Faith Magazine"
"Share the Word Magazine"
"The Word Among Us" (can read daily reflections on-line)
"Liturgy of the Hours" web site (can read morning/evening prayer on-line)
Scripture reflections
St. Anthony Messenger web site
Knights of Columbus web site
Check the next KOFC7445 newsletter for more!

I hope you enjoy your KC7445 newsletter. This is only my second edition #0.002.

To allow adequate time for the newsletter to be word processed, printed, copied, folded, addressed, stamped & mailed before the regular monthly meeting, input to me is required 10 days or more before the meeting date!
Want it in next month’s newsletter? You had better get it to me on or before the last Monday of this month!

This newsletter is printed for internal use of the Knights of Columbus Claude Dubuis Council #7445 only.
Copies may be obtained on request by writing to me
The Newsletter Editor,
Andy Oldmixon
3908 Brumbelow St. Rosenberg, TX 77471
Telephone 281-232-5067

Sacred Heart


Officers & Directors
KC Bulletins