KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas February 1999 |
Johnnie U. Sullivan, a member of Council 7445 and a KC since 1993, passed away on January 5, 1999 in Cabot, Arkansas. His wife Annie, daughters Linda Juge and Lucy Guin, and four grandchildren Emily Guin, Sara Guin, Christine Juge and Robert Juge will miss him.
He held a number of positions with the Council and could always be depended upon to help out where needed. Mike Cutbirth remembers that during the first golf tournament Johnnie had the responsibility of watching the hole for the hole in one contest. There was Johnnie, out on the green, in the rain under an umbrella, for about four hours doing his duty. I remember washing dishes with him last year at the Ladies’ Night Dinner. We stood for hours at the sink washing and drying dishes, pots, pans, and silverware.
His hobby was fishing and he would spend hours at this.
At my first meeting at the Council I sat next to Johnnie. We talked about the normal things such as weather, politics and family. I mentioned to him that I had a daughter who lived in Cabot, Arkansas. His eyes lit up and he explained to me how he was from Cabot. He’d moved here to be near his daughters and grandchildren. He also told me about all the driving short cuts to Cabot.
The Council will miss Johnnie.
Saturday, 6
Ordination of Brick Hodge
Tuesday, 9
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, 16
Pancake Supper
Director’s Meeting
Wednesday, 17
Ash Wednesday
Sunday, 21
Youth Challenge – Volleyball
Tuesday, 23
Officer’s Meeting
Sunday, 28
BBQ – Team "A"
March Newsletter Input Due
Friday, 5
Sacred Heart Parish Retreat
Saturday, 6
Sacred Heart Parish Retreat
Tuesday, 9
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, 16
Director’s Meeting
Tuesday, 23
Officer’s Meeting
Sunday, 28
BBQ – Team "B"
Monday, 29
Founder’s Day
Sunday, 4
Easter Sunday
April Newsletter Input Due
Tuesday, 13
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, 20
Director’s Meeting
Sunday, 25
BBQ – Team "C"
Tuesday, 27
Officer’s Meeting
KC Picnic
After another excellent meal (Chicken/Spaghetti,
Caesar’s Salad, French Bread, and Adult Beverages) dinner prepared by Bryan
Meyer, the meeting opened at 7:36 PM. The food was so good that for
the first time we actually had more contributions for the dinner ($75)
than the dinner cost ($62)! There were 34 members present, a record
The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, read applications for a new member and a transfer, Jaime Flores and Dan Plochinski. Both applications were unanimously approved. He also reported that our Council received a thank you from Father Eric for our $200 contribution for books. We also contributed $300 to the Church Poor Box to help 2 families at Christmas time.
The Treasurer, Steve Falcon, gave his financial report and distributed a copy to those interested. He also reported on his new son, John Paul, who was recently born and weighed 10 lb. 2 oz. at birth.
The Financial Secretary, Scott Sifford, reported that membership dues notices were mailed along with the K of C annual survey of charitable hours. He asked that each member return the survey and dues as quickly as possible.
The Church director, J.C. Girouard, reported that January 29th is clergy appreciation night, and this year the Council will need to be more involved in planning the retreat. The Family Director, Rick Bilski, reported on the upcoming Ladies Night Dinner and Corporate Communion. The Youth Director, Mike Spiech, reported on the upcoming Free Throw Contest, and that Jim Mensay had sent out letters to parents with Seniors in high school, and that John Boyles will be organizing a trip to Texas A & M and St. Thomas University for high school seniors. Mike challenged the council to start our own scholarship program. The Council Director, Paul Metcalf, reported that the Christmas Party was a huge success, raising $1,072 plus presents for The Garden.
Mark Chapman requested that we continue to put food in the back of the Church weekly for the poor. He also suggested that we consider making some toiletry Easter baskets for retired priests.
Hugh Burton gave an excellent talk on the Y2K problem. If you don’t know what that is, you should have been there!
Prayers were offered for Tony Trevino’s sister-in law Rose, Kathy Spiech, and Oldmixon Family. Prayers were offered for the repose of the souls of Fr. Jerome Stryk and Johnnie Sullivan. Please keep these people in your prayers.
Thank you to Jim Lutz for organizing the
"Say It With A Rose" ceremony at the weekend Masses of January 23rd and
24th. The little vase with the single red rose placed in front of
the alter at the Offertory by Father Howard was in memory of the
millions of little boys and girls who have been denied the gift of life
since Roe Vs Wade and for our fervent commitment for a renewed respect
for all human life.
Nearly thirty of our help mates turned out on
Saturday evening for a delicious dinner of Filet Mignon, Homemade noodle
soup, and various other courses. The main hall of the CCE Building was
beautifully decorated and the conversation was antimated. It took
many Knights working together as a team to make this an enjoyable evening
for our partners. Bryan Meyer and his crew prepared the steaks.
Waiters organized by Andy Bockholt served the meal. Paul
Metcalf organized the wine servers. Most importantly clean up
was performed by all. A special thanks to Mark Stryk for set
up and overall organization A new recognition was established, Lady of
the Quarter. The first receipant was Ingrid Ireland, recognized
for her efforts in putting out the monthly newsletter. West
Houston Dancesport Center provided entertainment. But of course the
special entertainment was the solo by Mike Cutbirth. We almost had
to turn out the lights to get some of the ladies to go home they were having
such a good time. If your wife didn’t make it, make sure that she
gets there next year. She’ll enjoy it and thank you for it.
It is always great to see our rookies jumping
straight in and helping wherever it is necessary. One such brother
we wanted to honor for December was Mike McConnell. Mike organized
the very popular Breakfast with Santa, and he took on the most unwanted
task of the setting up and the cleaning up for the Christmas Party.
Thanks and congratulations Mike.
The Family of the Month was awarded to Paul
and Sara Metcalf for their efforts in organizing the Christmas party
and all the other activities that they participate in.
high school seniors)
Your college-bound children, all high school
juniors and seniors, have been sent a letter with information on what scholarships
that the KC’s have to offer. John Boyles and Jim Mensay
are working on tours of the campuses of St. Thomas and Texas A&M for
any college-bound kids. Thanks to Jim and John for coordinating this important
The annual free throw contest was held on Sunday, January 24, with 30 youth (22 boys, 8 girls) participating. The winners were:
Age 8 Boys - Joey Hall (7 of 15)
Girls - Kelsey Davis (12 of 15)
Age 9 Boys - Dan Fennesy (4 of 15)
Girls - No participants
Age 10 Boys - John Stell (7 of 15)
Girls - Julie Nohavitza (3 of 15)
Age 11 Boys - Brent Orsak (13 of 15)
Girls - No participants
Age 12 Boys - Adam Andel (9 of 15)
Girls - Valarie Miller (6 of 15)
Age 13 Boys - Scott Cruickshank (7 of 15)
Girls - No Participants
Age 14 Boys - Thomas Cruickshank (7 of 15)
Girls - Trinity Jackson (10 of 15)
The official KC contest is for ages 10 and above;
the winners in those age brackets shown
above will compete in the district contest later
this month. John Gillespie organized the day to include 8 and 9
year olds who won our local contest (see above) but will not have a district
contest to go to. Thanks to John Gillespie and his helpers (Mark
Chapman, John James, Scott Sifford, and Greg Waleke) for putting
together a successful day.
We have 6 Knights currently signed up to challenge
the Teen Life youth to a volleyball match in our gym on February 21, 1:30PM.
Sign up sheets will be available at the next meeting. We need YOU to defend
our winning streak, started in October with our superbly played softball
Our 1998-1999 program continues strong as we
go into the 2nd half of our year. We have a number of upcoming
events. February 16th is the date of this year’s annual pancake supper
where we provide supper to the parish on Shrove Tuesday. We can always
use your help as this has become a very popular event in the parish and
plenty of hotcakes are served! On February 21st we have a volleyball
game scheduled against the youth of the parish. We beat them pretty
bad in softball, so I know they’ll want to even the score. This is
a more physically demanding sport than baseball, so we need lots of help
to enable us to have plenty of substitutions! March 5th and 6th is
the Parish/KC retreat. I’d like to have at least 50% of our membership
attend. That would be about 75 men. I t would also set a record
for the retreat. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending.
I promise you you’ll find it extremely rewarding.
In our youth programs, on Sunday, January 24th John Gillespie ran this year’s free throw contest. 25 youth participated and everyone had an enjoyable afternoon. Jim Mensay has sent letters to all parents with high school seniors regarding available tuition scholarship money for college. If you have children who are seniors in high school and haven’t gotten a letter give Jim a call.
On the community side, the blood drive was a huge success! Thanks to our Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, for spearheading this event. As Grand Knight Mike has plenty to keep him busy, so we could really use a volunteer to handle the next drive. I’m sure Mike would help, and I bet we can even make it bigger, better and more successful. If you’re interested give our Community Director, Tim Moncure, a call.
Scott Sifford had an excellent recommendation
that we have a day where we do some minimal maintenance service on cars
for the single mothers and widows of the parish. Such service might
include checking the fluids and filling as necessary, checking the air
in the tires, and maybe even a car wash provided by the youth of the parish.
If you would be interested in spearheading something of this nature, give
our community director, Tim Moncure, a call.
Attendance is up at the meetings. If you
haven’t attended in a while, and would like to find out what all the fuss
is about, come on out. We promise you some good fellowship, food,
beverages, and a chance to get re-involved in some very worthy causes.
We have enough programs now so that we have something for everyone.
Come on out and give us another chance!
Past Grand Knight Brick Hodge will be
ordained to the Permanent Diaconate on Saturday, February 6, 1999 at 10:00
a.m. at St. Justin Martyr Church, 13359 Ashford Point Dr.. Houston, TX.
This is a chance to witness the specialness of an ordination.
A reception will be held after the 9:30 am Mass on Sunday, February 7,
at Sacred Heart.
This newsletter is now on-line. It can
be accessed from Sacred Heart’ web page,,
click on Societies, Knights of Columbus and KC Bulletins. Thanks
to Paul Metcalf for making this possible.
Our parish workday was rained out in November.
However, it will still be held later this year so be prepared to come out
and help with a worthy project.
The golf tournament will be held in the spring.
The beneficiary for the tournament is the Andy Oldmixon Benefit Fund,
a fellow Knight. We now have plenty of time to get out the sponsors and
golfers. For information or to sponsor call Tom Petrosewicz
342-6584 (day) or 341-1553 (evenings).
Dennis Barrett Andy Oldmixon
Larry Horrigan Jodie
Ed Tusa
Brother Hugh and Elaine Burton Brother
Mark and Tracy Chapman
Brother John and Leanne James Brother
John and Barbara Lipinski
Brother Paul and Sara Metcalf
Brother John Boyles
Brother Alvin Brazda III
Brother Joe Grillo
Brother Donald Hoeveler
Brother Harvey Horelica
Jeanne (Brother Lawrence) Horrigan
Brother John James
Brother Darrell Mitchell
Brother Andrew Murrile
Brother Donald Murrile
Christa (Brother Tyler) Murrile
Cecilia (Brother Ray) Pargac
Christina (Brother Philip) Pieknik
Brother Robin Reiland
Kathy (Brother Robert) Reineke
Brother Travis Richter
Brother Donald Ries
Brother Michael Spiech
Brother Lawrence Stryk
Brother Jay Thorseth
Brother Tony Trevino
Prayers are very important to all of us.
Many times when we are faced with a difficulty or hardship we need the
prayers of others. These prayer requests can be published in this
newsletter. Send them to me, Ray Ireland, by e-mail (rain62467, phone (281-238-0996), or mail (2127 Morton League Rd., Richmond,
TX 77469). They should arrive before the newsletter input date.
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to be
word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed
before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the
meeting date. The following are the input dates for the rest of the
year. Please post these somewhere as a reminder.
Due Date
February 28
April 4
May 2
May 30
July 4
August 1
September September 5
October October
November November 31
December December 5
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
the Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of
Council 7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor,
P.O. Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.