KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas March 1999 |
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Join us at Caney Creek Lodge in Wharton for the
Parish Men's Retreat Friday and Saturday, March 5&6, for a Lenten Spiritual
Boost. Bubba will be there exhibiting his special culinary
skills with a scrumptious seafood dinner Friday
night and then, assisted by Tony Trevino and I, will prepare breakfast
Saturday morning for all retreatants. The lodge is a beautiful setting
for a peaceful, spirit-filled retreat experience.
There is a small pond with an assortment of ducks
and peacocks roaming about and a large tree farm to wander around saying
a Rosary or to meditate on God's goodness and blessings. How about
a round of golf before the retreat??? A group of us will be playing
golf beginning at 11:30 at the Rio Colorado Country Club in Bay City on
Friday in the Annual Pre-Retreat Open. Call Tony Trevino to reserve
your spot.
During the first part of Holy Week we will sponsor an "Hour of Prayer for the New Millennium" in honor of Founder's Day. Come to March's meeting or check the church bulletin for details.
Please keep our recently departed parishioners and their families and those parishioners suffering from illnesses in your prayers. Continue to pray that Fr. Eric's time away will bear much spiritual fruit for him and us upon his return.
Lastly, get involved. If you haven't been to a meeting in a while or if you've never been to a meeting, please consider joining us the 2nd Tuesday of every month. We meet in the kitchen of the Family Life Center about 7PM for a meal and the meeting begins about 7:30. We do our BEST to keep the meeting informative and less than an hour in length. Delegates and their alternates to the State Convention to be held in Dallas May 14-16 will be elected at the March meeting. Please join us.
Remember God Loves You!!!
Live Life to the Fullest,
Michael Cutbirth - Grand Knight
Friday, 5
Saturday, 6 Sunday, 7 Tuesday, 9 Tuesday, 16 Sunday, 28 Monday, 29 |
Sacred Heart Parish Retreat
Sacred Heart Parish Retreat BBQ - Team "A" Regular Meeting Officers’ Meeting BBQ - Team "B" Founders Day - Hour of Prayer |
Sunday, 4
Tuesday, 13
Easter Sunday
Newsletter Input Due Regular Meeting Directors’ Meeting BBQ - Team "C" Officers’ Meeting TBA KC District Picnic |
Sunday, 2
Tuesday, 11 Tuesday, 18 Sunday, 23 Tuesday, 25 Sunday, 30 |
Newsletter Input Due
Regular Meeting Directors’ Meeting BBQ - Team "A" Officers’ Meeting Corporate Communion |
The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, read applications for two transfers, Al Becan and Mike Boobash. He reviewed the upcoming calendar and suggested a potluck dinner or hour of prayer on the millennium for Founder’s Day. He also discussed the Coin Drive and our need for a Chairman.
The Treasurer, Steve Falcon, gave his financial report and distributed a copy to those interested.
The Trustees reported that we were on target for
completing the audit on time.
Mark Chapman gave the report on behalf
of the Church director, J.C. Girouard, who could not attend.
He urged everyone to attend the men’s retreat. He also reported that
weekly food contributions have increased at the back of the Church, but
that more were still needed. The Family Director, Rick Bilski,
reported on the excellent results of Ladies Night and asked for suggestions
for improvement. One suggestion was that we might consider providing
baby sitting next year. The Corporate Communion was well attended,
however, only 2 families showed up for the breakfast afterwards.
He awarded the Family of the Month award to the Mark Stryk family.
The Youth Director, Mike Spiech, reported on the excellent results
of the Free Throw Contest. He also said that we were asked to cook
chicken breasts for the Life Teen Valentine’s dinner/dance. He reviewed
the upcoming youth/adult volleyball challenge and discussed the possibility
of 2 on 2 adult/youth basketball matches. He will ask the youth to
help on our parish workday. The Council Director, Paul Metcalf,
reported that the BBQ teams raised over $1,000 on Super Bowl Sunday.
He suggested that whenever we raise money we need to give the reasons for
raising it -who’s it for? He now has membership information for all
members to review to update our database. Please come to a meeting
or call Paul to get your information updated. He presented Bryan
Meyer with the Knight of the Month award.
Tony Novak reported on upcoming Pro-Life events and urged our participation.
The District Deputy, Bob Yur, said we’re close to meeting the Star Council requirements. He reviewed upcoming District events and urged that we say a Hail Mary every morning
Prayers were offered for Mike Spiech’s wife, Kathy, and his Aunt Eileen, Dennis Baird, Jodi Stavinoha, Doug Mason and his family, Paul Metcalf’s wife Sarah, Ray Ireland’s wife’s niece, Mark Chapman’s mother-in-law, and Steve Falcon’s nephew Jason. Please keep these people in your prayers.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43
Times - Food will be served at 7:00 p.m. for
a social time before the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Talk - Life in Prison
Motions - Donation to our seminarian, Francis,
from the proceeds of the big barbecue
Elect delegates to the Convention in May
We had two very successful events this last month.
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was very well attended by the Parish.
The new Family Life Center was an excellent venue. Everyone there
(workers and eaters) had an enjoyable time. Thanks again to Bryan
Meyer and his cooking crew for heading up our participation in this
The volleyball competition with the Life Teen group was well attended by both brother knights and youth. We won all 4 games which were separated by a break for hot dogs. During the break, some of our brothers wore themselves out playing 3 on 3 basketball. Thanks to Mike Spiech for heading up this event.
A very big thank you to Tony Novak for agreeing to head up our pro-life efforts. James Lutz has transferred to the Sugar Land Council, so we needed a replacement. Tony stepped right up and volunteered. Give Tony a call and offer your help and support so that we can get a strong program going.
We are currently looking for volunteers to head a Car Maintenance day for single mothers and widows of the parish. The thought is that we would do light checkups like oil, transmission fluid, air cleaner, air in the tires, water, etc. and even provide a car wash. We would co-venture this with the Life Teen Group. If interested give Rick Bilski a call.
We also need someone to head up a coin collection charity drive. This would take place on a Saturday morning. The Sugar Land Council does this annually, so we can get the how to’s and material from them. If interested give Tim Moncure a call.
Monday, March 29th is Founder’s day. That week we will be celebrating with an hour of prayer for the millennium in the chapel. Check the church bulletin for further details, but please mark your calendar’s and plan on attending. Thanks to J.C. Giroaurd for organizing this.
Please come to the meeting to find out more of
what’s happening. We promise you some good fellowship, food, beverages,
and a chance to get re-involved in some very worthy causes. We have
enough programs now so that we have something for everyone. Come
on out and get involved!
Thanks to Bubba as he came through, as
usual, and cooked 140 chicken breasts for the Life Teen Group Valentine
Social on 2/14. Mike Spiech spent the afternoon helping him
so that the Life Teen youth could concentrate on decorating and other activities.
Just another example of the little things that the Knights do to help other
Sacred Heart functions.
If you didn’t come out to the gym on 2/21, you missed a great time as the Knights successfully defended their athletic prowess by defeating a group of Life Teen youth in 2 volley ball matches. Thanks to John Boyles for getting the match set up, Paul Metcalf for reminding the Knights of the event and for the following Knights coming out and participating:
Rick Bilski
Mike Bubash
Mike Cutbirth
Don Hoeveler
Frank Knesek
Tony Langerud Gerald
Steve Nestlerode
Tony Trevino
Greg Waleke
Another softball game with the Life Teen group
is planned for a Sunday in April and Mike will coordinate with
John Boyles to have the Life Teen group participate in our upcoming
Knights Parish work day. Other possible events with the Parish youth could
include bowling, a ping pong tournament, and maybe a joint fund raising
activity for a local charity.
Youth activities already sponsored this year have
included Drug Awareness Presentation, Breakfast with Santa, softball game
with Life Teen youth, free throw contest, and scholarship awareness for
our graduating high school seniors. Did you participate in any of these
activities? If not, why not step up and help with one of the upcoming events.
Give me a call and help our Council maintain our Parish as a place where
involvement is the norm, not the exception!
Congratulations to Bryan Meyer, Knight
of the Month for February. He organized the excellent, tasty Super
Bowl barbecue and led the cooking of steak and chicken for Ladies’
An e-mail was received from Bob Trachimowicz,
a former member of our council. He left the council a number of years
ago but indicated he still enjoyed receiving the newsletter. Part
of his e-mail read:
"I will give you an update of our family. After leaving Richmond. Texas in 1989, we moved to Massachusetts in conjunction with my job. I work for Raytheon and build power stations. (Under the name of Ebasco, we built most of the power plants for HL&P, including 6 of the plants in Thompson bottom at Smither’s Lake.) In 1993 the job took us all to England where we lived until 1996 when we moved back to Massachusetts, again because of work. The family stayed in Massachusetts and I went back to Scotland for a few months in 1996. In January of 1998 I moved back to England on "single status" while my wife Pattie, and our three boys remained in Massachusetts to work on their educations. Tim graduated from Holy Cross this year. Matthew is a sophomore at Worcester Poly Tech and Nate is a sophomore at Uxbridge High School. Although it is kinda tough on the family to be apart for months at a time, we are coping. Visits are frequent and we get to see Europe on our "R&R" trips. While in England, I note that there is an organization that patterns itself on "our" K of C. They are called the "Knights of Columba" and are affiliated with the Catholic Church. The little that I saw of them gave me the impression that they follow many of our customs but that their "ceremonies" are more public than ours. That is, they hold their "First Degree" initiations during Church events. They don’t appear to be as active in the community as we are. I heard about these fellows near the end of our first stay in the UK and didn’t follow-up on an invite to attend one of their meetings. There is no "chapter" at my Church in Cottingham, where I live now, so my exposure is limited. Anyway, "Best wishes" to all of you at 7445!"
Please Pray For:
Please pray for Fr. Eric and his sabbatical
Please pray for our seminarian, Francis,
in his final months before his ordination to the priesthood.
Please pray for Past Grand Knight Deacon Brick
Hodge in his new life as a deacon in our parish.
Dennis Barrett
Andy Oldmixon
Larry Horrigan (had knee surgery, is back
at work)
Jodie Stavinoha
Ed Tusa
Johnnie Sullivan
Brother Norris and Bertha Frank
Brother Dennis and Melba Meek
Brother John and Patti Michalek
Brother Thomas and Carol Pawelek
Brother Thomas and Susan Phalen
Brother Gene and Clara Theobald
Brother Leonard and Lois Wetzel
Brother Michael Biesiada
Brother Michael Bishop
Brother Michael Bubash
Virginia (Brother Allen) Ewald
Danette (Brother Vince) Fennesy
Brother Daniel Gerken
Bobbie (Brother Tim) Hajovsky
Michele (Brother Russell) Hollek
BrotherWilliam Keyser
Brother Werner Klesel
Brother Michael McConnell
Jane (Brother Charles) Mertz
Brother Paul Metcalf
Linda (Brother Carl) Myers
Renee (Brother Glenn) Nelson
Brother Fred and Cathey Olenick
Brother Michael Scappa
Brother Robert and Evelyn Sifford
Brother Jodie Stavinoha
Clara (Brother Gene) Theobald
Brother Joseph Tusa
Brother Leroy Vacek
This newsletter is now on-line. It can
be accessed from Sacred Heart’ web page,,
click on Societies, Knights of Columbus and KC Bulletins.
Prayers are very important to all of us.
Many times when we are faced with a difficulty or hardship we need the
prayers of others. These prayer requests can be published in this
newsletter. Send them to me by e-mail (rain62467, phone
(281-238-0996), or mail (2127 Morton League Rd., Richmond, TX 77469).
They should arrive before the newsletter input date.
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the meeting date. The following are the input dates for the rest of the year. Please post these somewhere as a reminder.
April May June July August September October November December |
Due Date
April 4 May 2 May 30 July 4 August 1 September 5 October 3 November 31 December 5 |
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