KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas April 1999 |
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Dear Brothers and Lovely Ladies,
He is alive! Jesus lives! Through our membership in the Knights of Columbus, we are to make Jesus alive in our parish, our homes, and our community through our works of charity and our faithful service to the work of the Church. We are the light of our community. May the light our family's give off illumine our entire community, our workplace, and our homes.
Pray for Peace in Yugoslavia and for the safety and well being of all our troops. Pray for a spiritual revival in our land. Pray that God will remain the ONLY God we worship and adore. (Do you check in with Wall Street or with God more each day?)
Stay active or get active in your Council. We all have talents and ideas that need to be heard. God Bless Us All.
Live life to the fullest,
Sunday, 4
Easter Sunday
Tuesday, 6
Founder’s Day Hour of Prayer
Tuesday, 13
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, 14 Open House for Information
Sunday, 18
Softball vs. Youth
Tuesday, 20
Directors Meeting
Sunday, 25
BBQ - Team "C"
First Degree in CCE Building
Tuesday, 27
Officers Meeting
TBA KC District Picnic
Sunday, 2
Newsletter Input Due
Tuesday, 11
Regular Meeting
Friday, 14
State Convention starts
Saturday, 15
Car Maintenance
Tuesday, 18
Directors Meeting
Sunday, 23
BBQ - Team "A"
Tuesday, 25
Officers Meeting
Sunday, 30
Corporate Communion
Newsletter Input Due
Tuesday, 8
Regular Meeting & Elections
Tuesday, 15
Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, 22
Officers’ Meeting
Sunday, 27
BBQ - "B" Team
After an excellent meal (Sausage, Chicken, Salad,
Beans and Adult Beverages) prepared by Bryan Meyer, the meeting opened
at 7:40 PM. There were 21 members present.
The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, read applications for one new member, Roland Garza. It was approved unanimously. He reviewed the upcoming calendar, suggested participating in the annual K of C state fishing tournament, and donating $500 to Francis, the seminarian, as well as a donation to the Boy Scouts. Don Ries reported on the upcoming parish workday. The Financial Secretary reported that we have 30 unpaid members at this time.
The Church Director, J.C. Girouard, reported on the upcoming prayer service. He also reported that the weekly food contributions in the back of the church had quadrupled, and asked the members to keep it up.
The Youth Director, Mike Spiech, reported that we had cooked 140 chicken breasts for the Life Teen Dinner. The volleyball match was successful. There will be an upcoming softball game on April 18th against the Life Teen Group. He is also considering a possible table tennis tournament or bowling night. He is working on a cosponsored charity event.
Bryan Meyer made a motion that we make a $500 donation to Francis, the seminarian. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. He also made a motion that we donate $100 to the Boy Scouts. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Dick Oldmixon reported that the Boy Scouts are trying to raise $12,000. He also requested prayers for Randy Baisch’s sons who were in a terrible traffic accident.
Andy Bockholt reported that he is working on Easter baskets for the retired priests.
New members, Bob Pellerin and Dan Plochinski introduced themselves.
The insurance agent, Mike Cutbirth, reported that he also does financial planning. See him if you have a need.
Mike Cutbirth reported on the upcoming state convention at the Dallas Hyatt Regency May 14, 15, and 16. Mike will be going but Glenn Nohovitza can’t attend, so we need a second alternate.
The District Deputy, Bob Yur, complimented us on the District Free Throw and the Sacred Heart Facilities. One of our council participants, Trinity Jackson, will participate at the Diocesan level. He reminded us of Lent and that we need to sacrifice. He also stated that the State Council is putting together a talent pool for future state officers. If interested let him know. He complimented us on our newsletter and said we’re close to the Star Council and Columbian Award requirements. He finished by saying "Love life and life will love you back. Say a prayer for Lent."
Prayers were offered for Mike Spiech’s wife, Kathy, Margaret Oldmixon, Randy Baisch and his sons, Betty Weber’s mother who died, Coach Don Carter of Lamar High School, Dennis Barret, Jody Stavinoha, Fr. Whitley (Basilian priest at prayer house in Sugar Land) the unemployed brother Knights and Leona Harris. Please keep these people in your prayers. The meeting adjourned at 8:57.
Two events this month along with our normal monthly
barbecue. We had the men’s retreat in early March and the Parish
workday in late March. The retreat was well done and we had 25 men
attend, down from 48 last year. We need to know why we didn’t have
a bigger turnout. It really is an excellent experience and relatively
short (6PM Friday until 2PM Saturday). The food, fellowship and spiritual
renewal are all outstanding. We would love to know what we can do,
or shouldn’t do to get more attendance. Please let Greg Waleke
know at a meeting or you can email me at
We look forward to hearing from you.
The workday on Saturday, March 27th was a big success. Don Murrile led the teams who set the grass sods in place. The group finished that project in a little more than two hours! Andy restriped the parking lot, and a group of 2nd graders planted the flowers in the bed located in the entrance sidewalk. Bubba moved the concrete pieces into position for the new parking area on the property. Thanks to Mike Speich for contacting the LifeTeen group for their help. The teenagers were very speedy workers in setting the grass. Thank God for the wonderful group of young people in our parish.
Our thanks to Mark Chapman for his idea of sending small gifts of personal articles to the retired priests at St. Dominic Center. Also thanks to Andy Bockholt for the work he did in acquiring the articles. The articles will be packaged in gift bags and taken to the center.
Last month we thanked Tony Nowak for agreeing to head up our pro-life efforts. Shortly afterwards he was informed of a job transfer to Cincinnati. So, the spot is again open. Please consider this for your involvement with the Knights. We need you and the Parish needs you. Let Greg Waleke know if you’re interested.
Scott Sifford and Mike McConnell
and Steve Nestlerode have all volunteered to work on the Car Maintenance
day for single mothers and widows of the parish. We’ll do light checkups
like oil, transmission fluid, air cleaner, air in the tires, water, etc.
and even provide a car wash. We hope to co-venture this with the
Life Teen Group. We’ll keep you posted when further details are available.
We still need someone to head up a coin collection
charity drive. This would take place on a Saturday morning.
The Sugar Land Council does this annually, so we can get the how to’s and
material from them. If interested give Tim Moncure a call.
On April 5, the first Tuesday in April we will be celebrating Founder’s Day with an hour of prayer for the millennium in the chapel. Check the newsletter or bulletin for further details, but please mark your calendars and plan on attending. Thanks to J.C. Giroaurd for organizing this.
Our fraternal year is coming to its last quarter,
which means it’s time to plan for the new fraternal year. If there’s
some job you’ve always wanted, or at least would be willing to do if we
have no other takers, please let Greg know. Again, at meetings
or e-mail him at
As always, please come to the meeting to find
out more of what’s happening. We promise you some good fellowship,
food, beverages, and a chance to be involved in some very worthy causes.
We have enough programs so that we have something for everyone. Come
on out and get involved!
Our next softball game with the Life Teen group
is planned for Sunday, April 18 at 1:30PM, at the #1 field at the Y. At
the last meeting, we only had 7 people sign up to play. We need at least
another 4-5 people to participate. Call Mike Spiech if you want
to play; there will also be an opportunity to sign up at our next general
meeting, April 13.
Other possible events with the Parish youth could include bowling, a ping pong tournament (Summer-time, indoors!), and maybe a joint fund raising activity for a local charity.
If you have any ideas for activities with our parish youth, or if you want to help with upcoming activities, give Mike a call at 281-545-8536.
· Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for:
Membership Lists, Telephone Lists,
Other Brothers’ addresses and phone numbers,
Changes of your address, phone numbers - home and
work, employment, children, sports, and corrections for
birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
· Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553) for your name tags.
Fr. Eric Pitre and his sabbatical studies.
Ed Tusa
Johnnie Sullivan
Brother Alfred and Tammy Becan
Brother Anthony and Carol Langerud
Brother Tim and Vickie Moncure
Brother Patrick and Lauren Orsak
Brother Ray and Cecilia Pargac
Brother Bennie and Sharon Richter
Brother Eduardo and Marilyn Rios
Brother Guillermo and Gloria Rodrigez
Brother Carl land Ellen Rossini
Brother Ed and Sharon Tusa
Brother J. David and Gail Webster
Brother Durand Boser
Dana (Brother Michael ) Cutbirth
Brother Bill Dybala
Pila (Brother Alan) Erlt
Brother Frank Norris
Brenda (Brother John) Gillespie
Brother Tim Hajovsky
Helen (Brother James) Horsch
Brother Ray Ireland
Brother Kenneth Kelly
Brother Msgr. James Madden
Sara (Brother Paul) Metcalf
Linda (Brother Don) Murrile
Brother Steve Nestlerode
Jennifer (Brother Kyle) Nohavitza
Brother Glen and Susan Nohavitza
Brother Paul Pawelek
Connie (Brother Donald) Purser
Helen (Brother Elton) Reynolds
Sharon (Brother Bennie) Richter
Brother David Sheets
Gail (Brother Allen) Syrinek
Patty (Brother Robert) Trachimowicz
Sharon (Brother Ed) Tusa
Brother Greg Waleke
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to
be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed
before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the
meeting date. The following are the input dates for the rest of the
year. Please post these somewhere as a reminder.
Due Date
May 2
May 30
July 4
August 1
September September 5
October October
November November 31
December December 5
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
the Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of
Council 7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor,
P.O. Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.
"Your task is to ensure that there is enough
bread at the tables of mankind, and not
to encourage an artificial birth control,
which would be irrational, in order to
diminish the number of guests at the
banquet of life." – Pope
Paul VI
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