KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas May 1999 |
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Ed was a Knight for over 18 years and a member of our Council for 11 years. He was an active member of the Council serving as Guard, Photographer and Historian. He and his wife, Sharon, could always be counted on to come out early and help set up for the Fun Runs. Even though Ed was feeling "a little under the weather" he was helping with Ladies Night last January.
He enjoyed model airplanes, woodworking –famous for making Pouting Stools for the Church Bazaar – and photography – always taking pictures at Council events.
He always greeted everyone with a smile and a big "how do you do?"
Ed was a graduate of the University of Texas, Texas Dental College, served in the US Dental Corps in WWII and practiced dentistry in Houston until his retirement in 1984.
He will be greatly missed by his brother Knights
and his wife, Sharon; children Ed Tusa, Jr. and wife, Barbie, Deborah Ann
Tusa, David M. Tusa and wife, Eva and Dawn Hopkins; grandchildren, sister,
cousins and nieces and nephews.
"Whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith. Who is the
victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of
God? " 1John 5:4,5
Dear Brothers and Wives,
With the recent shootings in Colorado and more
and more talk of people planning to hoard 2-3 months of food and water
as the clock strikes midnight January 1, I have but one simple question
for all.... Where is
your faith? Is it in man, or is it in God.
If it is in God, you have no reason to fear. God always makes something
good of evil. One young lady in Colorado lost her life because she
answered, "Yes" when asked if she believed in God. What a beautiful
testament of faith. Would your answer have been the same?
We welcome the following 4 new brothers into our
council: Michael Brown, Roland Garza, Elliott Jones, and Jim North.
These 4 men along with 4 men from Needville received the honors of the
1st degree Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at our CCE
Building. Congratulations and we look forward to your participation
in our many Council events.
We need leaders! We need a few more men to step up to the plate and take a leadership role in our Council. The officer slate for next year still has 2 slots to be filled, and I'm not sure what kind of shape our Council Director list is in. If interested, please contact the Grand Knight at 281-343-7266.
Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of wisdom, power, and a sound mind.
Live life to the fullest,
Michael Cutbirth
Sunday, 9
Mother’s Day
Tuesday, 11 Regular Meeting
Friday, 14
State Convention starts
Saturday, 15 Car Maintenance
Tuesday, 18 Directors
Sunday, 23 Pentecost
Seminarian Francis’ First Mass in our Church
BBQ - Team "A"
Tuesday, 25 Officers Meeting
Sunday, 30 Corporate
Newsletter Input Due
Tuesday, 8 Regular
Meeting & Elections
Tuesday, 15 Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, 22 Officers’ Meeting
Sunday, 27 BBQ
- "B" Team
After an excellent meal (Sausage, Chicken, Salad,
Beans and Adult Beverages) prepared by Bryan Meyer, the meeting
opened at 7:37 P.M.
The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, reported
that the Boy Scouts thanked us for our contribution. He is planning
a first degree to be held April 22.
Don Ries thanked us for our help on the
sod and the car stops on the parish workday. He reported that Francis
will celebrate his first Mass at 11:15 on May 23rd with a covered dinner
afterwards. He asked that we provide the chicken.
The Financial Secretary, Scott Sifford, reported that we have 25 unpaid members at this time. He presented the VIP Award to Mike Cutbirth for his recruiting results.
The youth director, Mike Spiech, reported that the baseball game with the Life Teen group had been postponed until May. The family director, Rick Bilski, reported that a Corporate Communion is coming up May 30. The K of C district picnic has been postponed. The Council Director, Paul Metcalf, distributed the membership list prepared by Hugh Burton. He also presented a selection of Knights of Columbus logo clothing.
Rick Bilski made a motion that we cook and supply chickens for Francis’ parish dinner after his first mass. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Hugh Burton made a motion that we donate $300 to the Scholarship Fund. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Mike Cutbirth reported that we still need a 2nd delegate for the State Convention. He also appointed a nominating committee consisting of the trustees and past grand knight, Frank Knessek.
Scott Sifford reported on the upcoming Car Maintenance Day to be held May 15th.
The District Deputy, Bob Yur, reported on National Friendship Week. "A Brother Knight is a Brother Knight for life".
Prayers were offered for Ed Tusa.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37.
On April 5 we celebrated Founder’s day with an
hour of prayer for the millennium in the chapel. Unfortunately attendance
was light, but the service was quite beautiful and the Homily by Deacon
Don Ries was particularly moving. I’m sure all who attended
were happy they made the effort. Thanks to J.C. Girouard for
organizing this and Don Ries for leading it.
Coming up on May 15th will be a Car Maintenance day for single mothers and widows of the parish. Mark you calendar and plan to be there to help out. We’ll do light checkups like oil, transmission fluid, air cleaner, air in the tires, water, etc. and even provide a car wash. We hope to co-venture this with the Life Teen Group. Thanks to Scott Sifford, Mike McConnell and Steve Nestlerode for organizing this.
The K of C District picnic was canceled. We think it would still be nice to have a family picnic for our council. If you agree give Rick Bilski a call.
Our fraternal year is in its last quarter, which means it’s time to plan for the new fraternal year. If there’s some job you’ve always wanted, or at least would be willing to do if we have no other takers, please let me know. Again, at meetings or E-mail Greg Waleke at
As always, please come to the meeting to find
out more of what’s happening. We promise you some good fellowship,
food, beverages, and a chance to be involved in some very worthy causes.
We have enough programs so that we have something for everyone. Come
on out and get involved!
If there is sufficient interest by both the parish
youth and the Knights, there will be a softball game with the Life Teen
group on Sunday, May 16 at 1:30PM, at the #1 field at the YMCA. Call Mike
Spiech, 281-545-8536, if you want to play; there will also be an opportunity
to sign up at our next general meeting, May 11.
The Middle School youth will be sponsoring a car wash on Saturday, May 15 in connection with our Knights car clinic for Parish women.
Other possible events with the Parish youth could include bowling, a ping pong tournament (Summer-time, indoors!), and a joint fund raising activity for a local charity.
If you have any ideas for activities with our Parish youth, or if you want to help with upcoming activities, give Mike Spiech a call at 281-545-8536.
We will be celebrating our Knights of Columbus
Corporate Communion on May 30, 1999 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Please
plan to attend with your family. This is a great opportunity for
our fraternal family to receive the gift of the Eucharist. We will
gather in the entryway of the church and proceed to our seats as Father
and the Fourth Degree Knights lead the way. Also, please plan on
breakfast afterwards. This is a chance for our families to get to
know each other.
We are considering what to do for our Knights of Columbus family picnic. In the past we held this event in conjunction with the KC district picnic held in Rosenberg, but that has been cancelled. We have a couple of choices which we will discuss at the regular meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 1999. Please plan to attend and share your ideas of what we can do for a summer family event or call Rick Bilski (281) 342-7895.
We have had numerous requests to bring back the KC’s Astros Day bus trip for the 1999 baseball season. We will discuss this event at our regular meeting also. We will look at dates and times of upcoming ballgames. Please keep in mind those good seats and games get booked early. Last year’s Beenie Baby game day was a "family event highlight" well received by all ages. Call Rick Bilski to reserve seats.
There are several little arduous jobs that just
need to be kept going, month after month. For instance, if the labels are
wrong, you do not get your newsletter; if the records are not constantly
updated, we do not know who is a member; what is your degree; your sports,
who has children, "how can I get hold of him?" and "what’s his wife’s name?"
and this is done by Hugh Burton who produces lists, labels and information
all year round. He was awarded the Knight of the Month for this great
work, thanks Hugh.
· Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for:
Lists, Telephone Lists,
Other Brothers’ addresses and phone numbers,
Changes of your address, phone numbers - home
and work, employment, children, sports, and corrections for birthdays,
anniversaries, etc.
· Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553)
for your name tags.
Fr. Eric and his sabbatical studies.
Brother Johnnie Sullivan
Brother Ed Tusa
Brother Michael and Patty Bishop
Brother Durand and Joan Boser
Brother Francis and Cinda De Bons
Brother Vince and Danette Fennesy
Brother John and Brenda Gillespie
Brother Joe and Janet Grillo, Jr.
Brother Rick and Ann Hai
Brother Julius and Christine Jochec
Brother Dennis and Anna Keyes
Brother James and Debbie Mensay
Brother Bryan and Brenda Meyer, Jr.
Brother Darrell and Martha Mitchell
Brother Alois and Ann Muehr
Brother Larry and Linda Paukert
Brother Ronald and Dianne Peschke
Brother Mark and Debbie Stryk
Carmen (Brother Moses) Baladez
Mary Ann (Brother Michael) Biesiada
Brother Charles Drees
Sheila (Brother Chris) Fucik
Brother John Gillespie
Brother John Girouard
Brother Larry Gremminger
Brother Gary Holtz
Brother James Horsch
Brother Frank Knesek, Jr.
Brother David Kovar
Debbie (Brother James) Mensay
Vickie (Brother Tim) Moncure
Brother Tyler Murrile
Brother Glen Nelson
Margaret (Brother Richard) Oldmixon
Brother Ronald Peschke
Brother Thomas Phalen
Brother Philip Pieknik
Brother Bobby Slavinski
Becky (Brother Lawrence) Stryk
Brother Mark Stryk
Eve (Brother Patrick) Stryk
Brother Robert Trachimowicz
Brother Leonard Wetzel
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to
be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed
before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the
meeting date. The following are the input dates for the rest of the
year. Please post these somewhere as a reminder.
Due Date
July 4
August 1
September September 5
October 3
November November 31
December December 5
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
the Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of
Council 7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor,
P.O. Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.
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