Sacred Heart Parish               Richmond, Texas              June 1999
Your ways O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and for you I wait all the day.  Psalms 25:4-5

Dear Brothers,

As the end of the fraternal year draws near, I want to thank all of you for your efforts this past fraternal year in serving our Church and community.  With all your help, next year will be even better.

May 22 was a day I will remember for life.  I thank God for being able to attend Father Francis's ordination.  It was a very moving experience.  And equally awesome was his first Mass the following day at Sacred Heart. Father Francis looked wonderful fully vested and seemed to enjoy the day very much.  Thank you to Bubba Meyer and his BBQ cooking team of Gary Graske, Tony Trevino, and Norris Frank for the delicious chicken served after Mass.  Hopefully, many of you received a blessing from Father Francis.

I'll report on the State Convention at the June meeting.  A record number of delegates were present and the State Council of Texas is in great shape.  Our Supreme Knight, Virgil Dechant, delivered a very touching address Saturday night and we were honored by his attendance at our meeting.

Please pray for our sick and for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Live life to the fullest,
Michael Cutbirth


Tuesday, 8    Regular Meeting & Elections
Tuesday, 15  Directors’ Meeting
Saturday, 19  Fathers Day Brisket Sale
Sunday, 20    Father’s Day
Tuesday, 22  Officers’ Meeting
Sunday, 27    BBQ - "B" Team

Sunday, 4      Independence Day
                     Newsletter Input Due
Tuesday, 13  Regular Meeting
Tuesday, 20  Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, 27  Officers’ Meeting

After an excellent meal (taco’s, rice, chips, salsa and adult beverages) prepared by Bryan Meyer, the meeting opened at 7:32 P.M.  We had 23 members in attendance.

The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, reported that at the first degree on April 27th we added four new members to our Council.  Roland Garza introduced himself.  The Grand Knight read the slate of new officers and said we still needed someone to run for Warden.  We never got a second delegate for the convention, so Mike will go alone.

 The Treasurer, Steve Falcon, apologized for not being at the last two meetings.  He distributed the financial reports for February, March and April.

The Financial Secretary, Scott Sifford, reported that we have 21 unpaid members at this time.

The youth director, Mike Spiech, reported that the baseball game with the Life Teen group had been cancelled.

The family director, Rick Bilski, reported on the upcoming Corporate Communion on May 30.  Breakfast will be at the Camino Real following the Mass.  A discussion followed on the desire for a K of C picnic.  All members agreed it was a good idea but should be planned for the fall.  A discussion then followed on a 2nd annual Astro’s game outing.  Rick will follow up on the dates.  Rick presented the family of the month to the J.C. Giroaurd family.

Rick Bilski made a motion that the council provide the bus for the Astro’s game outing like it did last year.  The motion was seconded.  Discussion followed and the motion passed with 22 members for and 1 against.

The council director, Paul Metcalf, distributed membership data sheets to the members for them to review and submit corrections to our database.  He reviewed the selection of Knights of Columbus logo clothing.  He presented the Knight of the Month award to Andy Bockholt and Mark Chapman for their joint work on the Parish Work Day and the Baskets for the retired priests.

Paul Metcalf made a motion that the council pay $35 for screening for the emblem on the clothing.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Scott Sifford reported on the upcoming Car Maintenance Day.  It will be held on May 15th, Saturday, from 9:00 - 11:00.  An air compressor will be available.  We have coupons to hand out.  Steve Nestlerode and Mike McConnell have been a big help.

The insurance agent Mike Cutbirth reported that he is resigning May 30th.  He is going to work for a credit union in Baytown as Financial Advisor.

Under the good of the order Hugh Burton presented a tribute to out deceased brother Ed Tusa.

Prayers were offered for Mike Spiech’s mother Rose, Paul Marinchau, Dennis Barrett, Dan Plochinski’s aunt Julie Jacobs and Ed Tusa’s family.  Please keep these people in your prayers.

The meeting adjourned at 8:44.

On May 15th we had a Car Maintenance Day for single mothers and widows of the parish.  Services provided consisted of light checkups like oil, transmission fluid, air cleaner, air in the tires, water, etc.  While attendance was light, those ladies that brought their cars were very appreciative of the service.  Thanks to Scott Sifford, Mike McConnell and Steve Nestlerode for organizing this event and to Dan Plochinski, Mike Spiech and Leroy Vacek for participating.

We cooked the chicken for the parish dinner following Father Frances’ first mass on May 23rd after his ordination.  A great big thank you to Brian Meyer and all his helpers for making this a success.  There was plenty of chicken to go around.

Father’s Day is the big brisket and ribs sale.  Brian Meyer will  need a lot of help on Friday night to cook all the briskets and ribs.  Those of us who have helped in prior years know that those in attendance have a good time helping.  There’s a lot of fellowship, dominoes and storytelling to go around.  Give Brian a call and let him know you’ll be there!

Our fraternal year is almost over.  It’s been an active year and a lot of fun.  Now we need volunteers for the next year.  Please plan on attending the elections at the June meeting and let’s get 1999/2000 off to a great start!

To enhance the first Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart it is suggested that we, Knights of Columbus, try to attend.  This Mass is held at 9:00 a.m.  Please try to attend June 5 and the first Saturday of each month.

All Knights are encouraged to visit the retired priests at St. Dominic Center.  There are 17 priests who live there now, and they are usually available for visitors after their breakfast each weekday.  If you are interested in such a visit please call J. C. Girouard.
Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for:   Membership Lists, Telephone Lists,
                                                       Other Brothers’ addresses and phone numbers,
                                                       Changes of your address, phone numbers - home and work,
                                                        employment, children, sports, and corrections for birthdays,
                                                        anniversaries, etc.

Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553)   for your name tags.

Brother Johnnie Sullivan
Brother Ed Tusa

Brother Roy and Marilyn Cerrillo       Brother Chris and Sheila Fucik
Brother Larry and Lois Gremminger   Brother Gene and Barbara Gritcze
Brother Tim and Bobbie Hajovsky     Brother Gary and Donna Marie Holtz
Brother James and Helen Horsch       Brother Raymond and Ingrid Ireland
Brother William and Gail Keyser        Brother Marvin and Elvira Kuhn
Brother Tyler and Christa Murrile       Brother Brian and Nancy Nowak
Brother Andrew and Sandra Oldmixon   Brother Fred and Cathey Olenick
Brother Timothy and Lisa Orsak         Brother Mike and Virginia Pastor
Brother Michael and Judy Pawelek     Brother Donald and Connie Purser
Brother John and Jeannine Sanchez     Brother Edward and Tracie Smajstrala
Brother Michael and Kathy Spiech      Brother Jodi and Mary Jane Stavinoha

Marilyn (Brother Roy) Cerrillo            Brother Thomas Cervenka
Tracy (Brother Mark) Chapman         Ann (Brother Paul) Council
Brother Alan Erlt                                Brother Vince Fennesy
Heidi (Brother Louis) Fredrickson      Brother David Heath
Brother Stephen Heye                        Esther (Brother Alex) Joswiak
Brother Theodore Kopycinski            Brother John Lipinski
Barbara (Brother Gerald) Migl           Brother Kyle Nohavitza
Brother Andrew Oldmixon                 Judy (Brother Michael) Pawelek
Brenda (Brother Frank) Petras          Brother Daniel Polczynski
Brother William Reinecker                  Brother Johnny Richlik
Marilyn (Brother Eduardo) Rios          Ellen (Brother David) Spence
Brother Allen Syrinek                         Rose (Brother Oscar) Taccogna
To allow adequate time for the newsletter to be word processed, proofread, copied, folded, stapled, addressed and mailed before the regular monthly meeting, input is needed 10 days before the meeting date.  The following are the input dates for the rest of the year.  Please post these somewhere as a reminder.
Month           Due Date
July                July 4
August           August 1
September     September 5
October        October 3
November     November 31
December     December 5

This newsletter is printed for internal use of the Knights of Columbus by
the Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of Council 7445.  Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to:  Newsletter Editor, P.O. Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.

WEAR YOUR EMBLEM                                                   SEE YOU AT THE MEETING
Sacred Heart
Officers & Directors
KC Bulletins