KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BISHOP CLAUDE DUBUIS COUNCIL #7445 Sacred Heart Parish Richmond, Texas July 1999 |
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Dear Brothers,
Summer time is here and a new fraternal
year is underway. Please bring your family out to our Open Meeting
July 13 in the old CCE Building. We will eat a Pot Luck meal at 7
P.M., followed by our officer installation and then I will hand out some
awards. It should be a fun night of fellowship and good times visiting
with your brother Knights and families.
Someone will be calling you soon to fill
the vacant Directors positions. Please help out in the area your
are interested in. Most of these positions require only a few hours
every 3 months or so as a
project comes up. The officers’ meeting
July 27 will be a planning meeting to lay out Council projects to be done
through June 30, 2000. All are invited to bring in your ideas and
join us again in the Old CCE Building.
Have a safe and pleasant summer and try not to let your kids drive you CRAZY.
Live life to the fullest,
Sunday, 4 Sunday, 11 Tuesday, 13 Saturday, 17 Tuesday, 20 Saturday, 24 Tuesday, 27 August Sunday, 1 Tuesday, 10 Tuesday, 17 Tuesday, 24 |
Independence Day Parish Blood Drive Installation of Officers - Open Meeting - Pot Luck Supper Painting at Pregnancy Resource Center Directors’ Meeting Painting at Pregnancy Resource Cente Officers’ Meeting Newsletter Input Due Regular Meeting Directors" Meeting Officers’ Meeting |
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M.
There were 20 members in attendance.
An application for a membership transfer of Harold
Meyer was read and approved unanimously.
Elliot Jones and Mike Brown, new
members in attendance, introduced themselves.
The Grand Knight, Mike Cutbirth, reported that the Pregnancy Resource Center is moving and needs help. We need a volunteer to spearhead a painting committee. He read a letter from Sharon Tusa thanking us for our sympathy and support. He suggested that the council provide 2 briskets for the Officers' installation. He also read a thank you from the Texas State Charities and their request that we meet our quota for the coming year.
The Treasurer, Steve Falcon, reviewed the May report. Copies were made available at the meeting.
The Financial Secretary, Scott Sifford, reported that we have 13 unpaid members and that we are applying for the Columbian Award.
Trustee Mark Stryk reminded us that we need to follow the proper protocol when addressing the Grand Knight.
Family Director, Rick Bilski, reported on the successful Corporate Communion and the new traditional afternoon golf outing following. The Astros’ outing will be scheduled for mid August to September.
Council Director, Paul Metcalf, made a motion that we pay for new nametags to be bought for new members. The motion was 2nd'd and passed unanimously. He reviewed the T-shirts and golf shirt orders and asked all the new members to contact Hugh Burton to get their names in the database. The brisket sale for Father's Day is coming up. Sellers are needed for after mass. He awarded the Knight of the Month to Mark Stryk.
Elections were
then held. The new officers are:
Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard 3 yr. Trustee 2 yr. Trustee 1 yr. Trustee Advocate |
Mike Cutbirth
Glenn Nohavtiza Bryan Meyer Andy Bockholt Steve Falcon Tony Trevino Leroy Vasek Dan Polczynski Greg Waleke Mark Stryk Mark Chapman Advocate Rick Bilski |
The District Warden reported that the new District Deputy would be Don Postini.
Greg Waleke made a motion that profits from the Brisket sale be split 50% to the Texas State Charities and 50% to the Seminarian Fund. The motion was 2nd'd and passed unanimously.
Mark Stryk made a motion that we provide briskets and drinks for the Officers' installation to be held at the July open meeting. It was 2nd'd and passed unanimously.
The Grand Knight named Jeanette Ries the "Lady of the Quarter".
Prayers were offered for Ray Ireland's wife Ingrid and Dennis Barrett.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
REMEMBER: Tuesday, July 13
- Officers’ Installation –Open Meeting – Pot Luck Meal
All Are Invited!!
CENTER, July 17 and 24, 1999.
It has been quite some time since our council
engaged in a meaningful community activity. Traditionally, our council
has had many workdays improving the facilities of The Garden, Habitat for
Humanity Homes, The Abused Women Center among others. And who could forget
the "award winning" work we did for the Richmond State School Bassett House.
Well its time we get to work again. We have been asked to paint the new offices of the Pregnancy Resource Center. We accepted and our new Community Director and Past Grand Knight Hugh Burton is leading this effort. We have selected two Saturdays for this work: July 17 and 24, 1999 from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. obviously, the more Brothers we have working on this effort the quicker we can do the work. If we have enough, we can even break into two four-hour shifts each day.
Please volunteer your time for this work. Please bring painting equipment, brushes, rollers, cans, ladders, etc. If you plan to stay all day, please bring a sack lunch. The Council will furnish the liquid refreshments. Wear paint clothes. It is acceptable to bring family members to help.
The Pregnancy Resource Center is in business to provide an alternative to abortion for pregnant women. While we can’t stop abortions, we can help where we can. Helping to provide an attractive environment for the Center staff to meet with these pregnant ladies may just help save a life.
Again please volunteer. We need many people to
do the job right. Thank you in advance.
One Knight persistently performs well with the
Knights, and without them. Not only does Mark Stryk play the guitar
for, the "Rejoice" Choir, but he is also our Choir Master for the KC Choir
at our quarterly communions. He organizes the music, the practices
and the great performances in church, along with producing the excellent
music of the KC Carolers. Thanks Mark for the many fine performances.
We are glad to award you the Knight of the Month. We hope you will
be playing with us for a long time to come.
We are happy to be able to offer you a selection
of clothing items with the KC logo. The first items that seemed to
be most needed are the following for which orders are now being taken.
A Hanes Activewear Heavyweight Comfort T in 100%
cotton with a small 3-color KC badge on the front left, and an optional
large 3-color badge on the back. This comes in the following colors:
White, Natural, Ash, Black, Navy, Light Steel and Red. They come
in the following sizes and prices:
S, M, L, XL for $6.10 each
XXL $7.10
XXXL $8.10
If you want your name on the sleeve, add a dollar.
Golf Shirt
A North Star Jacquard 100% ring spun combed cotton
pattern sportshirt. This will have an embroidered 3-color badge on
the front left only. The shirt design is with an accent, a second
color stripe around the collar and sleeves. The colors are (basic
first/accent color): Black/Khaki, Black/White, Forest/Khaki, Navy/Khaki,
Navy/White, Wine/Khaki, White/Black, White/Forest, White/Navy, White/Wine.
The sizes and prices are:
S, M, L, XL: $21.75
XXL & XXXL: $23.25
For name on sleeve, add a dollar.
Later we shall have available: caps, vests, jackets, etc. Please call Paul Metcalf, 281-342-9096, to order, or come to the next meeting.
The KC Blood Drive will be held Sunday, July
11, 1999, from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. It is important that all Knights
and their families participate as this helps not only us but also others
in the parish who may at some time need blood.
· Hugh Burton (281-342-4302) for:
Lists, Telephone Lists,
Other Brothers’
addresses and phone numbers,
of your address, phone numbers - home and work, employment, children, sports,
and corrections
for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
· Tom Petrosewicz (281-341-1553) for your name tags.
Johnnie Sullivan
Ed Tusa
Brother Robert and Darlene Bauhs
Brother Gary and Sonya Graske Brother David and Kathleen Kovar Brother Glenn and Susan Nohavitza Brother Thomas and Norma Petrosewicz Brother Robert and Evelyn Sifford Brother Lawrence and Becky Stryk |
Brother Andrew and Patricia Bockholt
Brother John and Theodora Healey Brother Bernard and Carolyn Lednicky Brother Frank and Brenda Petras Brother Donald and Jeannette Ries Brother Daniel and Sharon Slavinski Brother Mark and Linda Towle |
Tammy (Brother Alfred) Becan
Brother Roland and Cindy Garza Sonya (Brother Gary) Graske Brother Russell Hollek Christine (Brother Julius) Jochec Brother Bernard Lednicky Brother James Mensay Brother Anthony Novak Lisa (Brother Timothy) Orsak Brother Donald Purser Brother Robert Reineke Jeannine (Brother John) Sanchez Brother Edward Smajstrala Charlotte (Brother Leroy) Vacek |
Brother Allen Ewald
Velma (Brother John) Girouard Julie (Brother David) Heath Leanne (Brother John) James Brother Alex Joswiak Barbara (Brother John) Lipinski Brother Bryan Meyer, Jr. Brother Patrick and Lauren Orsak Brother Larry Paukert Peggy (Brother Robin) Reiland Brother Carl Rossini, Jr. Dianne (Brother Michael) Scappa Debbie (Brother Mark) Stryk |
August September October November December |
Due Date
August 1 September 5 October 3 October 31 December 5 |
This newsletter is printed for internal use of
the Knights of Columbus by
the Newsletter Editor, Ray Ireland, of
Council 7445. Copies may be obtained on
request by writing to: Newsletter Editor,
P.O. Box 688, Richmond, Texas 77406-0668.
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