August 03, 2015 
           Council 7445  CALENDAR          

Please check out Our Council's upcoming events below and help out when you can.  Thank You!

Tue   Aug 11  Council Regular Meeting - CCE Bldg - Meal @ 6:45 - Mtg @ 7:30
Tue   Aug 18  Council Officers Meeting - 7PM  Buena Vista Restaurant
Sat    Aug 22  Council Installation/Awards Banquet - 7PM - FLC Gym
Tue   Aug 28   Council Business Meeting - CCE Building - Meal @ 6:45 - Mtg @ 7:30 
Tue   Sep 8     Council Regular Meeting - CCE Building - Meal @ 6:45 - Mtg @ 7:30
Sat    Sep 12   KC BBQ prep
Sun    Sep 13   KC BBQ Cook - A Team
Tue   Sep 15   Council Officers Meeting -  Buena Vista Restaurant (by River Bridge) 
Sat    Sep 19   SH/KC Baby Shower for PRMC
Sun    Sep 20   SH/KC Baby Shower for PRMC
Tue    Sep 22  Council Business Meeting - CCE Building - Meal @ 6:45 - Mtg @ 7:30
Sat     Sep 26  Adopt a Highway - 7:30 AM
If you would like a copy of the latest Council Calendar for 2015-2016, please send me an e-mail and I will forward a copy to you.  Seems we have used all our space to load into the Newsletter.      

Regular Meeting are on the 2nd Tuesday and Business Meeting are on the 4th Tuesday .  Fellowship/Meal starts at 6:45PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM 

Regular and Business Meetings held in CCE Bldg Rms 1-3 unless posted otherwise

August Service Opportunities


KC August BBQ Cook has been cancelled.   With summer vacations and the extreme heat predicted, the August BBQ has been cancelled.  Sorry if this is an issue to anyone. 


August 11 Council Regular meeting will be held at the normal time and place (CCE Bldg).  Need a cook for this meeting.   The meeting may be a social meeting as we are inviting Father Michael and Father Thomas for a meet and greet - still not confirmed.  A big member showing would be appreciated if we drag these guys out. 


August 18 - Council Officers Meeting at Buena Vista Restuarant -
All officers are asked to attend and any members are invited to attend this Officers Meeting.   We will start the meeting at 7:00PM so please arrive a little earlier if you would like to order food.  I will be there by 6:15 and hope to see you there. 

August 22 - Council Installation/Awards Banquet - The Sacred Heart Family Life Center has been reserved for installation of 2015/16 Council Officers.   We are askings for a head count of attendees by August 19th for ordering Lasagne from Lomonte's Restaurant.  Each family is asked to prepare a side dish or dessert for the meal.  Officers being installed are asked to wear coat and tie if at all possible.   Pleaase call or e-mail the GK ( with a family head count if you plan to attend.  DD Tom Stavinoha has confirmed he will be the installing officer. 


August 28 - Council Business Meeting  Hope to see you there - we are back in the CCE Building (Rms 1-3).  Meal/Social time starts at 6:45 with the meeting starting at 7:30. We need a Brother Knight to step up and provide a meal for this meeting.


September 8 -  Council Regular Meeting - Plan to attend for a busy fraternal year.   Lots of help needed to serve Sacred Heart Parish and the community.


September 12/13 - Council BBQ Prep and Cook Head Cook Brother SK Raul Martinez is back in a limited capacity after his rotator cup surgery in June.  Your assistance on the cook team is appreciated.   Cook was moved to the 13th due to Monday Sep 7 being Labor Day. 


Please look at your calendar and please schedule family and/or your time to support the Parish and Council events.


If you have any concerns or comments contact Grand Knight, Howard Harbes, at 832-567-7631(cell) or 281-342-9334(hm).

Eucharistic Adoration 
Sacred Heart Chapel
Please take time to visit with our Lord in Adoration between the hours of 3:00PM and 10:00PM on Wednesdays in the Chapel.   The adoration will start at 3:00PM with the Devine Mercy Chaplet.  All are invited and any time spent will offer graces and blessings for you, your family, Sacred Heart Church, and the Holy Catholic Church.
Please consider committing to a specific time slot every week.  There are forms at the back of the Church and  Chapel to sign up.  A committed time is not a requirement to attend Eucharistic Adoration.

Future 2015-2016 dates that our Council is scheduled are: August 30th, October 4th, November 1st, February 7th, April 3rd, June 19th. These dates may change as we have quite a few conflicts with our 2015-2016 Calendar.


Half a day to show your support of men who gave part of their lives to protect our freedoms is a small price to pay.  We will leave Sacred Heart at about 7-7:15AM to car pool to the Veterans Hospital in the Houston Medical Center and should be back in the Sacred Heart parking lot by 12:00noon 


Make room on your calendar for some or all of these dates on your calendar.   Our Veterans deserve you to give back to them for the service to us and our country.

Pro Life Activities  


Pro-Life Ace Wings -

Viewing the movie "Blood Money" (80 minutes) will serve as three of the five event requirements. This is a very informative documentary involving women having had abortions and others previously involved in the abortion industry who are now Pro-Life. 
For program description and  requirements, click on the following link:


Abortion is not a Choice, it is a BABY'S LIFE ENDED.   
Be Pro-Life your Mother was
Changes in Contact Information

Please reply to this email if any of your contact information (email address, phone #, etc.) has changed or will be changing so we may update our records.  Thank you.


Knights of Columbus Council 7445
PO Box 668
Richmond, Texas 77469


Knights of Columbus Council 7445

% FS Arthur Hausler

21711 Honeysuckle Grove

Richmond, TX 77469-5382


   832-567-7631 (GK Cell)

281-342-9334 (GK Home)