YOUR HELP IS NEEDED AT THE SACRED HEART PARISH PICNIC SUNDAY, MAY 5th Our Council plays a "BIG" part in the Success of the Sacred Heart Parish Picnic This
coming weekend's Sacred Heart Parish Picnic is expected to have a
larger attendance than last year and we need the assistance of as many
Brother Knights as possible. Fr. Joseph is counting on Our Council
members to handle many of the activities from the planning
and preparation of the picnic to the tear down and clean up
afterwards. At
this point, we are asking for assistance on Saturday, May 4th, with set
up and preparation for the picnic. On Sunday, May 5th, we will
need assistance cooking and serving food, other various activities
throughout the day, and the tear down and clean up after the picnic. This
is the perfect event for all Brother Knights to come together and make
this a terrific, fun-filled event for all parishioners and eliminate the
stress of having only a few Brother Knights doing the majority of the
work. It is also another opportunity to get to know your fellow Brother
Knights as we work side-by-side. Please
wear your blue KC Council 7445 shirt if you have one and contact either
Vince Alaniz at 832-508-8470 or Raul Martinez at 832-686-6680 to let
them know when you can help or for more information. Thank you in
advance for your participation.