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Knights of Columbus

 Bishop Claude Dubuis Council 7445 
May 28, 2019
Very Important Council Business   
Meeting Tonight


Brother Knights, Tonight's Council 7445 May Business Meeting is a very important one and all are encouraged to attend. We will be having the election of officers for our 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, discussing Our Council's proposed 2019-2020 Budget, and covering several other important items of business.


Fellowship and a meal will start at 6:30pm, followed by the business meeting at 7.


It is very important that we have a good turnout, so please make every effort to attend. 

KC Council 7445 Election of Officers  
for Fraternal Year 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020        Tuesday, May 28th

Brother Knights,
Below is the current list of Brother Knights who have already expressed an interest in seeking office for the next fraternal year. 
If you have any questions about a position or are interested in running for a position, please contact Brother Mark Stryk at
Mark.Stryk@yahoo.com or Brother David Hobson at DavidHobson224@gmail.com.  We will also solicit nominations from the floor at the meeting prior to the elections. 

Grand Knight - Brother Mark Stryk
Deputy Grand Knight - Brother Aboyi Olokpo
Chancellor - Brother George Boyum
Recorder - Brother Kevin Eaves
Treasurer - OPEN
Advocate - Brother Ken Kendricks 
Warden -  Brother Don Hoeveler
Inside Guard - Brother Ken Jones 
Outside Guard - Brother Raul DeLeon
Trustees - Brother David Hobson
                 Brother Thomas Fuller
                 Brother John Burkett 

Please try to attend this important meeting.  Thank you.
The Nominations Committee
2019 Annual Council 7445 Dues


All Brother Knights of Council 7445 should have paid their 2019 Annual Dues by now.  If you have not sent in your payment, rest assured that you are not alone as we have a number of Brother Knights that have not paid yet. Please mail in your payment to fulfill your 1st Degree Promise to pay the Knights of Columbus annual dues.


If you have any questions or need financial assistance, please contact Our Council's Financial Secretary, Brother Arthur Hausler at 281-633-1643 or hauslerpaint@att.net Payment of dues can be made at any of our meetings, events or can be mailed to:

KC Council 7445

c/o Arthur Hausler

21711 Honeysuckle Grove Lane

Richmond, TX 77469 

Additional Knights Needed for Our Council's
BBQ Cook & Sales Teams
Brother Knights,
The BBQ Cook/Sales Teams list has been updated and there are many blanks.  This monthly activity is the primary fundraiser for the Council.  

We have three teams and if each team is full, you'd only have to work a cook every three months. Please consider joining a cook team.

Also, we're trying to add a sales group so the cook folks don"t feel they have to be there all day.  Additionally, Fr. Joseph has asked us to try selling after the Sunday PM mass.

If you want to add your name or have any questions, e-mail Mike Appling at:  MRAPPLING1@ATT.NET. 

Link for Council 7445 Meeting Minutes
Brother Knights,

We are trying to dispense with the reading of the minutes at the business meetings in an effort to save time.  On the other hand, the minutes are an official record of these meetings and Council members should be able to access them.  

Please try the attached link to make sure you can open the file and let the GK know if there are problems with the link. (You may have to copy and paste it in your browser)

KC Insurance
Do You Have a Long-Term Care Plan?


LTC Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle


There are many financial consultants and retirement authorities who emphasize the need for a long-term care (LTC) product for estate preservation and family protection. While many commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the long-term care business, the Knights of Columbus considers LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle. The Order has been actively offering our members this product for over 15 years without a premium increase on current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an LTC plan from the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is backed by the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our strong Catholic values. Talk about stability when it counts.


If you have not considered your need for LTC coverage in your family portfolio or would like to see if you do qualify for a LTC policy, please take some time out of your schedule to meet with me.


Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on your health, and you most likely will never be healthier than you are today.


Brother Marty Gibula



Upcoming Events Calendar
Saturday 6/1         Knight in a Day at St. Faustina in Fulshear at 8:30am 
Saturday 6/1         KC Council 7445 Planning Meeting

You may get additional information for some of these upcoming events in
this newsletter, by attending the Council Officers or Business Meetings, or by replying to this email.
Changes in Contact Information

Please reply to this email if any of your contact information (email address, phone #, etc.) has changed or will be changing so we may update our records.  Thank you.


Knights of Columbus Council 7445
PO Box 668
Richmond, Texas 77406
