Agenda Items include:
- Updated Council program for 2021/22 fraternal year
- Approval of RSVP program checks for seminarians
- Update on Building Project- Planning for naming and Blessing
- Cook Teams - January BBQ and February Super-Bowl
meeting will be online only and will commence at 6:30 pm with Worthy
Insurance agent Marty Gibula presenting an update on KofC benefits.
Date: Tuesday Dec-14 ,2021
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 1350 8120
Passcode: 634271
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,83713508120#,,,,*634271# US (Houston)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 837 1350 8120
Passcode: 634271
Time: 6:30pm for Benefits presentation
7:00 Meeting starts