Sunday, May 29, 2022
are having the Mass at 11:30 a.m. to remember all the deceased Knights
of our Council. All the widows are being invited, and there will be
a reception for them after in the CCE Building,
come wearing your blue KC shirt. After the reading of the list of
the departed, you will be invited to go to the entrance of the church so
that we can all process in with Father. Please leave your families
in the pews, and join them again after you process. There is no
need to genuflect when in procession.
You are all invited with your families to attend the reception after Mass in the CCE Building.
Svoboda is organizing the reception. He needs help with setting up
and decorating from about 10:30 Sunday morning, and clearing up
afterwards. Please call him at 281-725-4751
who are Knights, please wear your blue KC shirts for that Mass and help
Allen Hartmann with welcoming the widows and escorting them to their
front pews.
God bless,
Paul Metcalf (event chairman)