August -6
Meal prep
are needing a few new men to invest some quality time with Greg
preparing the chicken and ribs, Time TBD on follow up text 8/5/2022
August 7
Monthly BBQ
will be lit at 5am. Please join us to cook and serve. No beans no pots.
Breakfast will be provided. Wear blue shirts. Please be the new guy and
meet your brother for some quality time.
July Updates:
Kevin Eaves is working on the new 2022-2023 Calendar.
Paul Metcalf presented the Memorial Weekend celebration of Knight widows reception to the KC news letter.
David Hobson got my six on KC rosary at Saturdays morning mass so I could be with my 1 month old grand daughter.
Spiech sent out the prayer list and information on the right to life
battles with Waco municipalities enforcement of the right to life laws.
Honorable mention goes out to our previous grand knight Aboyi Olokpo who
battled through a flat tire change to make it to our officers
installation. You are truly inspirational. Thanks Marty and Mark for
subbing in at the beginning of the ceremony and Art supporting us behind
the scenes. Kudos Father Josephs for attending on their day off. Knight
shirts and hats are here.
Vivat Jesus